Relaxed Family Session at Home

Let me set the scene for you: it’s a chilly midwestern day with rain in the forecast, but inside the Smiths’ home, it’s warm and cozy. The family gathers together in the living room to play with kids’ current favorite toys before moving to the kitchen to race their new little cars. It’s a slow day, full of fun without any pressure to check off a long list of family poses.

I am a big advocate for documenting your current season of life as it really is so that when you look back on family photos, the images authentically tell your story.

When the Smith’s first contacted me about photographing their family, they knew they wanted photos documenting everyday life as a family of four. We planned the entire session to take place in their home, structured in a way that the session felt more like play time than photo time for the kiddos.

They said, “I anticipate looking back on the photos you took and remembering life as it was, because there are so many pictures of us just being us. I’ll remember the kids bickering over the blocks and not wanting to pose and smile, but mostly I think I will love every single one because it’s a still and memory of a time I’ll never have back again.”

Without further ado — please enjoy this gallery highlight from their cozy, in-home session!


*last name changed for privacy


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