Taylor and Blake’s Engagement Session

Between botanical gardens, old stone bridges and vintage ice cream parlors, Taylor and Blake’s engagement session is one for the books!

(Apparently) Blake and Taylor met on a double date back in grade school. I say “apparently” because Blake remembered Taylor, but Taylor didn’t remember him at all! One night, some mutual friends of Taylor and Blake’s decided to go to a Jason Aldean concert where they carpooled and sat next to one another on the way. Taylor said, “I remember him asking us to stop at the gas station, so he could get gum and something to drink. He was by me the whole concert.” After a series of unfortunate events, Taylor was left behind with the mutual friends she didn’t know, but, in her words, “I got to know them before the night was over and absolutely loved them.”

Taylor went on, telling me, “Blake and I sat by each other on the ride back home. He was playing my song requests, and it turned out we had a lot of mutual interests in songs. I played “Without You” by Keith Urban, and he loved it! It is still our song together to this day. I got tired and put my head on his shoulder. That’s when he made the “bold move” and put his phone on my leg and asked for my snap chat. (How romantic). We talked forever it seemed like until I accidentally told him I loved him, (awkward). Then I actually gave him my number right before our actual first date. He took me to Ted Drew’s, and then after we drove around listening to music having such a fun time.”

Enjoy Taylor and Blake’s tangible love for one another in these photos! It’s what truly makes this couple so beautiful.


Relaxed Family Session at Home